Monday, May 10, 2010

NYC So little time so much to do!

Writing this it is now 12:42pm and we are up in around 3:45hrs I am looking forward to the fun of Canada!
New York has been amazing! On day one we only just made it out to dinner before coming home and crashing out, it was an extremely long plane flight times two. Sunday saw us head downtown to Times Square on foot and then onwards by bus to see some of the sights. It was amazing, we were surrounded by super tall buildings, it was a little over whelming for me. too much urban consolidation.
We managed to get to ground zero and into the monument display centre (or center here) listening to eye witness accounta and survivors accounts of the events were a little emotional for me to deal with. The site really is huge to look at, but I do like the design they have gone with and I think it will suit the city and get the message across.
We jumped on the subway from here and headed up to the Guggenheim (please check my spelling Shannon!) Museum which was awesome, great little audio recordings throughout the venue helped my ability to understand what each painter was trying to convey!
After this we went to my favourite site to date, the Museum of Natural History, chock full of Geographic fun for me to delve into, and fun it was, I will be back for sure to take in the place in full!
After a little rest we headed out for din dins and a visit to the Empire State Building, I highly recommend visiting this site at 11:35pm as there are no lines to wait in and very few people up the top looking out, and boy do you look out on a majestic view! It was breathtaking to say the least. The winds up there were biting and bitterly cold but to see that view it was well worth the numb hands, and there was time inside in the elevator for them to thaw out!
Day one was pretty adventure filled!!

Signing out,

Cate :)

1 comment:

  1. It is now Thursday back here and you are well on you way into Canada. I hope your first presentation went well and you can all relax now and enjoy the whirlwind about to happen.
