Wednesday, May 12, 2010


NEW YORK!!!!!!!!

We had 3 amazing days in New York! I know New York's not the focal point of this trip, but it would be shameful not to acknowledge that the stop-over we enjoyed was sensational!! I mean, have a look at this city!!!

We've spent a great deal of time in Times Square, there's just so much to see and do!! We've been there during the day, and during the night, and it was buzzing at all times! Shannon and I were excited to get our photo taken with some NYPD! We tried to convince them that they should just save time by arresting Colin now...

At midnight on Sunday 9th May we escalated to the top of the Empire State Building for a birds-eye night time view of the city! It was nothing shot of spectacular! (And FREEZING nd so windy we nearly blew right off the edge!)

We went to the site of 9/11 - "Ground Zero". Whereas the site wasnt much to look at (still just a construction site), we visited the memorial and museum there, and it was very humbling to be standing in the same place that it all happened.

We took a long stroll through Central Park, which is really very beautiful, and ended up at the Museum of Natural History, where personally I really enjoyed seeing all the real dinosaur skeletons! Amazing!!

Central Park:

Museum of Natural History:

We took a bus tour thrugh the CBD in a double-decker open-topped bus. We visited Macy's Department Store and had all-American coffee in Starbucks! We've walked for many kilometres throughout the city, been to the "drug store" and eaten bagels with cream cheese for breakfast! Below are some random happy-snaps of good times!

On the tour bus:

Cate is overly-enthusiastic about everthing at all times!

Cate, David and myself in Times Square at night:

Colin and myself at Newark airport:

David and myself enjoying everything!

Oh, and to quote David: "This is everything that is wrong with American food"!! yes we actually ate this, and yes it is every bit as yellow (or even yellower!) than it looks!!

One of the highlights for me was visiting the Hard Rock Cafe!!! It's my new favorite place on Earth! Ive ben to Hard Rock before, but this one in New York is huge, and had SO MUCH AAZING STUFF!! I think I stopped breathing a couple of times...

So there's heaps more, but it's 4:20am right now (not doing so well with the body clock!) so I should try to get some sleep!!

The next blog will be from CANADA!!!!!!!!

- Suz