Friday, June 4, 2010

Summerside, PEI (By Shannon)

Our second day in Summerside saw the five of us loaded into kayaks for a leisurely paddle around the bay.

Suz teamed up with David, Cate and Colin took a boat and poor Bill was left to cope with me.

We paddled out to a sand bar in the middle of the bay, where we stopped for a snack and to have a go at digging for clams.

The others reached the bar way ahead of Bill and I, (not being much of a water person, being in ocean more than two feet deep was a little scary for me, but despite our slow pace, set by me, Bill and I eventually got out there).

It seems I have a penchant for clamming though. We used large pitchfork-style prongs to dig the clams out of the sand and managed to find a fair few.

Crikey!! That’s a HUGE one!

I told Paul our guide I'd be happy to help him on any given day, provided he supply a speed boat for me to get out there:

Our lobster feast that night was a definite highlight. Bill and Mary cooked up a fabulous dose of fresh lobster, serving it to us in the traditional PEI way- cold. We were taught how to crack the lobster and get all the meat out.

We all had vocational morning visits the next day before a mayoral reception in Summerside for lunch. I went to the Journal Pioneer newspaper and spent the morning sitting in court listening to a guy spend two hours arguing an $89 speeding fine!

Next stop.... Charlottetown.

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