Friday, June 4, 2010

Prince Edward Island (Suz's highlights!)

Hi, it’s Suz again.

I know Colin and Shannon have already blogged here about our time on PEI, but I have so many funny photos and stories from PEI that I wanted to share a couple of things they didn’t mention, and a few of my favourite pics.

Firstly, the Kendricks' B&B (Briarcliffe Inn) was stunning. There are a mountain of photos, but they’re all on David’s camera and he’s refusing to share. So instead, here’s the view from the front porch. Wow:

It was great to spend 3 days staying altogether in Summerside. Believe it or not, I’ve become quite attached to my team. *Insert warm fuzzy feeling here*. OK – enough of that!

Randomly along the way to PEI, we stopped at the “beach”. Dont expect Aussie’s to get excited about any beach where you have to wear 6 layers and get drenched in rain:

That's not a beach!

Where I stayed in Charlottetown, it was cool to wake up in the morning and see a fox sitting each morning outside my window. Also, there was a den of baby foxes outside. Awwwww!!

PLUS – They totally forgot to mention the awesome excursion the team had to the Red Shores Racetrack!! The Rotarians of Charlottetown took us for dinner and a flutter at the racetrack. I’ve never gambled on horses in my life (with the exception of $10 bet on Melbourne Cup Day!), but earlier in the afternoon, when Shannon and I were meeting the dressage horse breeders, we met someone quite high up in the racing world (our sources shall remain nameless!), who provided us with their “picks” for that evening’s races!

What a jolly night ensued! That guy assisted us to pick the winner in nearly every single race, and Shannon and I had our own personal bookie called Wally! Onya Wally!!

Colin got interviewed on the big screen about our exchange:

Shannon kept the race guide safe from others who were curious as to our “luck” (wink wink!):

Shannon even got a special ride in the starter-truck-thingy on the racetrack, and scored herself a media interview!

Of course there’s much more awesomeness in PEI, but I’ll only add here that Colin’s spent too much time at the Potato Board. Methinks he’s starting to resemble a farmer:

Next stop: the land I’ve been waiting for.....NEWFOUNDLAND!!!!!

- Suz

1 comment:

  1. Nice work guys! Keep up the blogging....doesn't sound like your having much fun at all LOL ;O) All work and no play huh NOT! Can you smuggle some Crays home please...YUM
