Friday, June 4, 2010

Prince Edward Island (by Colin)

Prince Edward Island (PEI)

Hello from Anne of Green Gables Territory. We arrived at the island as it is known here 5 days ago and it has been an amazing time with Vocational, Cultural and Fellowship.

We arrived to the Island (as it is called locally) via the Confederation Bridge the world longest bridge over ice covered water a spectacular site to behold.

We were greeted by an old friend. Bill Kendrick (GSE outbound team to 9690) and Vance Bridges (Local Rotarian we meet at District conference).

Bill & Mary with David

Vance with Suz and Shannon:

Yes we need 2 cars now, one for us and the other for the luggage. It has been expanding with every stop, Cate with her hoodies, Suz and Shannon with the stuffed toys (Beaver, Moose etc).

The exchangees had their first taste of Lobster at Bill & Mary Kendrick’s BnB, Briarcliffe Inn (note David has had more than his fill with this being his 4th dinner of Lobster).

It is a fabulous converted farm house with the old world charm and warmth of yester year. The Lobster was out of this world and has added to the 5kg of extra body mass I have already gained since arriving in Atlantic Canada, which attests to the great seafood they have here.

The Vocational Days have been inspirational with so much information I have picked up and opportunities that Rotarians have been able to make available to me. Here are some of the highlights.

University of Prince Edward Island, which is renowned for their Veterinary program.

Innovation PEI a government initiative to assist development of Export’s business, Agriculture, Bio Science, Aerospace, renewable energy and other Intellectual Property based business. The service is available to all living in PEI with no cost’s involved.

PEI Potato Board. They are responsible for developing and marketing the PEI Potato industries and products within Canada and the global market.

We have also done some of the local favourites. Sea Kayaking and Clamming (Shannon is quite a talented clammer) to name a couple.

Once again the hospitality from all has been amazing and in return we have been told we are supply much laughter and fun at our enthusiasm and zest for fun.

- Colin (Tad) Wilkes

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